Monday, March 17, 2008

Business News: Contemporary Is Chosen Again

UK Business Intelligence company Contemporary re-qualified as a Microsoft Gold Partner - again. This is great news as it sets the company apart and recognizes their achievements.

March 15th 2008
Contemporary re-qualifies as a Microsoft Gold Partner for another 12 months. This is the highest accolade in the Microsoft partner programme and a major achievement. Qualifying for this award required commitment from our technical team and excellent feedback from our customers who provided Microsoft references.
This award means that we have demonstrated superior levels of successful implementations, capabilities and certification. Microsoft Gold Certified Partners are required to meet rigorous requirements for certification and expertise. Contemporary plc has retained it's status of Gold Certified Partner for Business Intelligence by demonstrating quality of service and high levels of developer certification, deep real-world experience, and by providing completed customer reference projects that were independently verified by Microsoft.
Through engagement with Microsoft, Microsoft Gold Certified Partners have in-depth access to a variety of exclusive resources and early product information. Resources include priority access to a support team of Microsoft certified systems engineers, non-disclosure evaluation of new products and technologies, as well as planning tools and events to keep up to speed on the latest Microsoft product developments and future direction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Blog, hope to see more Cool News next time....