There are people who study what hits the top of Digg, and what doesn't. The basics rule is that you don't need to get everyone of your articles up there to generate free content. Just write one good article and then promote it. Ask people to Digg it.
Top Categories on Digg
36% Technology
29% World and Business
18% Offbeat News
9% Science
7% Entertainment
1% Gaming
Types of article in the Top 100
38% News
15% Announcement
16% Story
11% Other
6% Story about Digg
5% General blog
4% Secret
3% Top list article
2% How to
If you write one article on Tehcnology news, you are most likely to get on top - in theory. These numbers could be skewed by the fact that there are digg groups promoting certain aritcles and burrying other articles.
The average number of words in the top articles are 650 with the chances of reaching the top levels decreasing as the article reaches 1000 words. No one really wants to read articles over 1500 words.
There is more chances of getting in the top 100 if your group leaves a comment. The more comments, the higher the comment will rank.
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