Tuesday, March 25, 2008

How to Create The Perfect Business Card

How do you present yourself to the world? What people see when they read your business card can be the difference between success and earning a good living, or struggling for years without success.

There are several aspects of a business card that you need to focus on.

The Logo

The logo is an image that is easy to recognize. It is used on every piece of marketing and promotion information.

A logo is an image that contains your branding. In my cases, gracepub, is my brand. It is the word that everyone associates with me.

Service/Business Information

The logo and business card needs to tell potential clients exactly what you can offer them. Do not say that you sell widgets. There are thousands of companies that sell widgets. Tell potential clients why your widgets are better than anyone else's.

My business card tells people that I focus on writing fiction for publishers in both the UK and the USA. This will help writers break into a new, untapped market.

Contact Information

In today's shrinking globe, it is important to make it easy for your clients to contact you. It is not important to spill all your information on the business cards. All of my clients in the last seven years went to my website to view examples of my work. I do not need to include my phone number, or address, which may very well be used to send junk mail or telemarketing.

Making a Business Card

Business cards are very easy to make online. Just click logo design and follow the five step wizard.

Follow the five steps.

  1. Chose an image.
  2. Next choose an industry. Both of these steps will filter the potential logos so you do not need to filter through all of the potential logos. When you select a logo you are moved automatically to step four.
  3. Add your logo name and a tag line. This is not where you enter your name. In my card, this is where I entered the online username that I am most known by.
  4. Move around your graphic and tag lines. You can adjust their size, the font, and placement of the logo.
  5. Once the logo is finished it is time to select a business card layout. I chose the left sidebar with a curve. I entered my contact information.

I created the top business card in less than 5 minutes. When I wanted to change something I just moved back and forth through the wizard. In fact, this is the eighth graphic image I chose. I did contemplate having the text larger, but I went for balance over sales pitch.

I spent a couple minutes flipping through the selection of business card layouts, and changing the colors, until I created the perfect card.

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