Friday, March 14, 2008


We all know what technorati is. We claimed our blogs when we first started to blog. But, over time we stopped going to technorati to ping our blogs. We let them go out of date. We stopped using technorati.

Now to be honest - I know about the melt down. I know about the apparent 'lost' service rep hiding out in the basement of some dark office the urban legend goes.

But, despite that, technorati should not be ignored. There is a new tool at technorati that lets you access your tehnorati account from blogger, AOL, wordpress, and other blog platforms using the open ID feature.

It is also important to remember that many ranking systems, such as the one used at sponsored reviews, give your technorati rank importance. That said - thencorati (like Google) doesn't count all your links.

I personally have tried to use their search and am not impressed. After 10 minutes of being told there were no posts in my blogs (of 8 paid post blogs) with the tag 'blog' and then trying a site wide search to be told that no one is blogging on 'blogs' - I gave up.

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