Thursday, April 03, 2008

Law of Attraction for Business owners

Law of Attraction

The secrets of wealth generation and the law of attraction are the same. If you want something bad enough then you will get it. This truth is as old as society itself. However, we replaced this law with complacency and the expectancy that someone will give us hand outs. We want our money now – no matter what the cost. We want to be entertained – regardless of the consequences.

The law of attraction is ‘believe – achieve – receive’ and has been a part of society for thousands of years.. If you believe that a program works, and work to reach goals, you’ll receive the reward.

The opposite is people who want something and wait until it is given to them. They never receive what they are waiting for.

The same works with Google, ecommerce businesses, and Affiliate programs. A person may believe that they can make money from Google. But, without taking action there will not be a reward. There may be belief, but there is no action.
Another person may buy the same program, and work hard – they will receive a reward.

But, only if they do the ‘right’ work. Remember, work smart not hard. You need to learn what the profitable people do.

For example, I am a successful pro blogger. I teach a course at where I’ll teach everything I know. But, not everyone can make the program work a) because they don’t believe, or b) they don’t do the work.

Anything can succeed if you follow the laws of attraction.

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