Monday, May 26, 2008

Increase the Alexa Page

Web fans (who have the alexa toolbar installed) love to read about ways to increase traffic. If you review friend’s Alexa page, write about Alexa, and build a site that attracts alexa fans – then your alexa rank will increase. You will also help spread the ‘good rank’ tool that is Alexa.

Write for webmasters. If you write content for webmasters and exchange reviews with bloggers who use sites like SocialSpark where they most likely have the Alexa toolbar ( you can insist that you only exchange posts with sites that have the Alexa widget on the blog).

Write to an international audience. I have a large audience of women from India.

Alexa toolbar is big in India, so these ordinary bloggers can increase my Alexa rank without trying.

Create an Alexa category on your blog. Even if the blog is a general ‘how to attract traffic’ or ‘how to improve your page rank’ then you can still call it Alexa News. This is a purely marketing move. Visitors from Google will not help your rank.

Google doesn’t care how many people visit your site, how many RSS subscribers you have, or whether 10 people digg your blog posts a day. In fact, even building links to please Google doesn’t guarantee that you’ll build a good page rank – so don’t cater to Google fans.

Participate in Foreign Alex sites
Asia uses Alexa. Getting on those sites, and reaching the top, will increase your rank even higher.

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