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Joseph A. Stirt, M.D.
2809 Magnolia Drive
Charlottesville, VA 22901
Phone: 804-242-4990
Anesthesiologist M.D. Offers Expert Defense/Plaintiff Case Analysis of Potential Medical Malpractice
Charlottesville, VA -- April 12, 2001 -- Before you invest time and money defending or proceeding with an anesthesia-related medical malpractice case, check with expert board-certified anesthesiologist Joseph A. Stirt, M.D. Whether you are a defense or plaintiff attorney, Dr. Stirt can not only tell you if you have a case but also how best to structure it, based on a detailed
medical review.
No newcomer to cases involving possible anesthesia-related malpractice, Dr. Stirt has 15 years of experience. Presented orally or as a written report, his in-depth analysis can save you hours of preparation and thousands of dollars. He is prepared to step in at the last minute when another expert suddenly withdraws from a case. Availability and rapid response make his service unique.
According to Dr. Stirt, "The question I get most often is, 'Is it malpractice?' My job is to sort out the bad outcomes due to occurrences that fall within the standard of care from those that do not. The question of whether a case involves negligence is one that looms over every potential malpractice action. If answered correctly, it can save both defendants and plaintiffs from mental anguish and ill-advised pursuit of a defense or lawsuit."
Dr. Stirt serves on the faculty of a major U.S. medical school affiliated with a top-rated tertiary care medical center. He sits on state medical boards as an expert reviewer and expert witness in anesthesiology. He has written books, book chapters, and numerous scientific papers, as well as articles in the medical-legal literature, received honors and awards in medical teaching and scholarship, and has 18 years of academic anesthesia experience ranging from Post Anesthesia Care Unit Director and Outpatient Surgical Unit Director to his current position as Clinical Associate Professor of Anesthesiology.
Dr. Stirt is a diplomat of the American Board of Anesthesiology and the National Board of Medical Examiners. He has been an invited reviewer and lecturer in anesthesiology throughout the U.S. and Europe and has appeared on CNBC.
Accessibility is a unique and important aspect of Dr. Stirt's services. His expertise in anesthesiology is available at any time. He does not work on a contingency fee basis. Your initial telephone consultation is free.
For information: or
Phone: 804-242-4990
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