Wednesday, December 13, 2006

a Building Link Popularity The Smart Way

If you are a fan of my blog then you know that I push link exhcanges as the number one method of getting search engines to notice your website.

You need to understand the algorithm of the search engines, then you need you need to explore link popularity and then find the best option to increase link popularity for your website.

Google currently drives the most traffic to websites that rank at the top of their organic results. Google’s off-site factors like inbound links account for 35 to 45% of the importance to Google’s algorithm.

Page Rank doesn’t carry the weight it once did in Google’s algorithm. Google looks for links pointing to your website from other sources. Receiving 1000 links from different websites are far more powerful than receiving 100 links from different websites with a good Page Rank.

The quality of the page the link is on and the relativity of its content to your website and/or page is more important than the link.

Google looks at the link’s placement on the website and gives more value when the link is within the body as opposed to sitting at the bottom of the page in a list of links. Google also looks at the text surrounding the link and determines how targeted that text is compared to the page that the link points to.

The algorithm also looks at the Title Tag of the page the link is on as well as important SEO factors such as H1 Tags and other META data.

There is a very complex new algorithm that Google has been testing, Latent Symantec Indexing (LSI). LSI essentially determines how words are related to each other, such as how dog is related to cat.

Many people think this relates to content on your own website but analysis show that it has more to do with the page that a link is coming from when it is hyperlinked to your website.

The factors that LSI looks at are the Title Tag and the textual content of the page that your link is on.

Therefore it is becoming more important to increase link popularity by receiving links on different pages of different websites that have content that is similar to the content on your website.

There are many ways to increase link popularity. I won’t go into all of them in great detail because there are far too many to cover in one post. However, one of the most reputable companies that help companies build links is Blogitive. This company was created for this very purpose. Blogitive currently has 2000+ Blogs in its network and is growing every day. Blogitive helps you can submit a web release (mini press release) to Bloggers who will write about your release and link to your website in any manner you want, including any URL and any keyword phrase.

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